Like the previous years, this year also, Hindu Samhati celebrated 20th June- the West Bengal Foundation Day. In the presence of workers and leaders, the day was celebrated in the Indian Institute Hall of Kolkata with great enthusiasm. Hindu Samhati's top leadership including President Shri Shantanu Singha, Vice-President Shri Sujit Maity, Secretary Shri Sundar Gopal Das and well-known leader Shri Rajat Roy were present.
Hundreds of workers from different districts of West Bengal attended the program. Famous personalities addressed the gathering. Swami Adhmtyananda Maharaj, Shri Osman Mullick, Padma Mondal(wife of Shri Pradip Mondal), Ajay Nandi and many more.
Image: Hindu Samhati leadership on the day |
Hindu Samhati leadership in their speech , emphasized the importance of the day. On this day, Pakistan was divided and a new homeland for Bengali Hindus, named West Bengal was created by Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, leaders added in their speech.
Shri Shantanu Singha, the President of Hindu Samhati presented a brief history behind the creation of West Bengal. He said, "During partition, the whole of Bengal was gone into Pakistan. But, Gandhi and other congress leaders didn't think about the future of the Hindus. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was aware of this. He proposed to divide East Pakistan and create a homeland for Bengali Hindus."
Image: Fully packed Indian Institute Hall |
However, the present State Govt. want to change the history behind the creation of West Bengal. Besides, the Mamata Banerjee-led Govt. already passed a resolution to celebrate West Bengal Foundation Day on the 1st of Boisakh, instead of its original date 20th of June.
So, We have to foil this attempt to remove the history behind the creation of Hindu Homeland, 'West Bengal.'
And Hindu Samhati will keep fighting for that.